Ro Ru En


Best recipes

Chicken baked in crispy crust with ginger and oranges


1. Cut one quarter from an orange and set aside. Cut off the peel of other part of the orange and of the second whole orange, carefully remove all white bitter pith. Cut into thick slices about half centimeters each.



2.  Pat dry the chicken well (you can use kitchen paper towels) and rub all sides with vegetable oil, coarse salt, red and black pepper.




3.  Heat oven to 200 degrees.  Lay out one layer of orange slices at the bottom of a small deep pan or baking dish. Place the chicken there with breast over oranges. Put it in the oven for forty minutes.



4.  Squeeze the juice of the remaining quarter of the orange into a small deep bowl. If oranges are soft, it can be done with hand, then remove the pips from the bowl.




5.  Peel ginger and grate it. Mix the orange juice with ginger four tablespoons of honey and add spices on your own taste - you can throw a pinch of black and red pepper. Mix it all.



6.  Remove the chicken from the oven and carefully flip it with the breast up, then carefully lubricate it with prepared orange-ginger mixture. Using a special culinary brush is the most convenient way.




7.  Return the pan with chicken in the oven and bake it for about one hour more, occasionally adding the juice from the pan on the chicken; the more often you do this, the faster crust will be formed  - and the juicier will be meat under this crust.



8.  Cooked chicken with a beautiful golden crust can be placed on the table, let it cool down a little, then cut it into portions and serve with baked oranges, pouring with juice from the pan.

Main dishes
1 hour 40 minutes
for people
Baked chicken

"Baked chicken in a crispy crust with ginger and oranges" - the very name unwittingly awakens the appetite. And what a surprise is waiting for us when we personally see this culinary masterpiece and feel its unsurpassed grilled meat flavor.


Red pepper
to taste
to taste
to taste
Vegetable oil
3 tablespoon
40 gr
4 tablespoon
1 pieces