Application Form

The key to the dynamic development of «Nr1» store chain is the relationship with its partners that is based on honesty and trust. For more than 20 years of existence of the company, we have established cooperation with responsible suppliers; we have chosen partners that fully comply with standards of our work. This approach has allowed us to develop and be committed to a flexible retail pricing policy seeking to increase trade turnover, and hence strong economic performance. Our success and effectiveness is due to the mutually beneficial relationship with our suppliers. A good example of this is the fact that we are engaged with the overwhelming majority of the companies that supply goods to «Nr1» chain in a long-term partnership. But we are always open for new cooperation with initiative and interesting suppliers and we gladly consider commercial proposals of companies able to provide the necessary amount of quality goods at reasonable prices and on reasonable terms and conditions.
To consider your request for supply of products to «Nr1» supermarket chain, please provide samples of products and the set of the following documents:
Commercial proposal (price list)
Quality certification for the products concerned
Certificate of registration of the enterprise or extract from the register
Certificate of VAT payer
Authorization for the relevant type of activity
License for sale of alcoholic beverages (for suppliers of alcoholic beverages)