„Mandja” (Gagauz dish)
Processed chicken chop into portions, fry until golden brown in a casserole with vegetable oil, pour boiling water to meat was covered. Add salt and simmer until tender. Purified carrots and onions cut into cubes, passiruem in vegetable oil with paprika. Flour calcined in a hot frying pan without fat until the smell of walnut.
In the process of cooking broth remove foam and fat. The fat from the broth, add to and continue passirovku passaging until tender vegetables, introduce warmed flour, stir, add a few spoonfuls of broth, stir to avoid lumps, and pour the broth. Add the meat and finely chopped hot red pepper. Give simmer for 1-2 minutes, and when submitting sprinkle chopped dill.
In the process of cooking broth remove foam and fat. The fat from the broth, add to and continue passirovku passaging until tender vegetables, introduce warmed flour, stir, add a few spoonfuls of broth, stir to avoid lumps, and pour the broth. Add the meat and finely chopped hot red pepper. Give simmer for 1-2 minutes, and when submitting sprinkle chopped dill.