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Interesting Facts

Drink lemon water instead of tablets

Lemon contains 64% of the daily recommended dose of vitamin C, and also contains phytochemicals such as polyphenols and terpenes.

Many experts advise to start the day with a glass of warm lemon water. To cook it, boil some water, leave it for cooling and add a little freshly squeezed lemon juice. A glass of warm lemon water in the morning can provide the body with the necessary nutrients and improve the overall health. Lemon juice is rich in vitamins B and C, antioxidants, phosphorus, proteins, essential oils, flavonoids, carbohydrates and potassium. Juice has powerful antibacterial and vital properties that will strengthen your immune system and help fight infections and diseases.

Starting your day with warm lemon water, you can improve digestion, fight hunger, stimulate weight loss and create an alkaline environment in your body, effectively adjusting the pH balance and reducing acidity.

Here, than warm lemon water can help you:
  1. Heals acne. Lemon water will reduce acidity in your body and prevent the appearance of acne. Wash with lemon water to get rid of acne and improve the condition of your skin.
  2. Suppresses the appetite. Lemon water suppresses appetite because of the rich content of vitamins and enzymes that regulate blood sugar levels and help maintain a healthy weight. It also contains pectin, a fiber that helps digestion and improves your digestive system.
  3. Washes out kidney stones. Lemon is rich in potassium, a mineral that can increase the level of citrate in your urine and prevent the formation of oxalate.
  4. Enhances your immune system. Lemons - an excellent support for the lymphatic system, which, in turn, helps the immune system to eliminate pathogens.
  5. Pain of the gallbladder. Drink a glass of lemon water after dinner to eliminate gallstones and reduce the pain caused by them.
  6. Cold and flu. As a natural antioxidant, full of vitamin C, lemons can boost your immune system to fight against colds and flu. They also have powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties, so it is better to drink warm lemon water in winter - this is the best protection against seasonal diseases.
  7. GERD. Some people argue that lemon water can reduce the effects of GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disease) and bring you much needed help.
  8. Strengthens the nails. Lemon water strengthens the nails and cleans the white spots that often appear on them.
  9. Struggles with food poisoning. Drink a glass of lemon water every day to prevent food poisoning while traveling abroad.
  10. Heals fibromyalgia. The combination of lemon water with yoga can alleviate the depletion caused by fibromyalgia.
  11. Reduces inflammation. Lemon water reduces inflammation in the body, due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties.
  12. Relieves pain in muscles after training. Drink a glass of lemon water after a strenuous workout to reduce the soreness of the muscles after it.
  13. Reduces joint swelling and pain. Water with lemon reduces uric acid in our joints, effectively preventing swelling, pain and inflammatory conditions such as gout.
  14. Reduces cravings for alcohol. Eat lemon juice at parties to avoid alcohol poisoning and the headache that appears in the morning.
  15. Treats colitis. Colitis is a condition that arises from an imbalance of acid-base levels in the body. It can be cured by regularly drinking lemon water, which controls pH levels and reduces acidity in the blood.
